Growing a successful business doesn’t always go to plan. But a plan is needed nevertheless. Why? Because failing to plan is planning to fail, and the same goes when planning for business growth.
While it can be tempting to skip this step and go full steam ahead with the aspects of your business that you enjoy or with whatever seems to be working at the time, we strongly recommend against this route. You wouldn´t set off on a road trip without planning rest stops and sights to see along the way, just as you wouldn´t build a house without drawing up a blueprint and choosing each granular detail. So don´t try to do this in your business. Plan your direction, outline the milestones you´ll achieve along the way, and start growing a sustainable and resilient business step by step.
Here´s everything you need to know about planning for business growth.
Creating your business plan articles
To help you create a solid business plan, one that will get your business to where you want it to be, we have compiled a list of every article we´ve written when it comes to business planning and business growth and development.
Business plans, so what! They are just a waste of time, aren’t they?
If you have spent ages thinking and writing a business plan only to have nothing happen, you´re not alone. So many people experience the same issue, whether in their personal or professional life, and that´s because a plan isn´t always everything. You have to actually act! If you´re yet to see a return on your investment in business planning, read on! This article gives you the antidote to plan failure.
Why you NEED to create a business plan
Without a business plan, you leave far too many things to chance. Not to mention, you most likely don´t know where you´re going with your business, so how do you expect to get there? This article outlines the main reasons why you need a business plan, from steering the direction of your business to being able to pick yourself up easier when times get rough. Read on to find out more…
Business planning: what do you plan for and how do you do it?
Want to actually achieve your short and long-term goals for your business? Then you need to get business planning. Many of us fall into the trap of “all plan and no action,” so this article aims to prevent this! Read more to find out how to start with business planning and what you should include in your plan.
Business planning for 2024: 5 areas you should be focusing on
The last few years have been years of drastic change, and 2024 is sure to bring just as much uncertainty. So, how do you plan for success when everything is uncertain? Is it even possible? While nobody can actually predict the future, this article highlights 5 things that you should be focusing on in your business planning for 2024 (and any subsequent economic downturns in the future!). Find out more here.
What is your Business’s Purpose – and is it Ethical?
What is your business purpose beyond simply being profitable? Do you have, or want, a wider ethical view of your business? Knowing you’re Why is an essential part of goal setting and business planning, so here are 5 questions to reflect on what your business is there to achieve. This article will help you become more ethical and values-driven whilst also helping you to work towards your own financial or lifestyle goals.
Business growth articles
Business growth is not linear; it is full of hurdles and challenges followed by wins and milestones. It´s a constant peaks and troughs journey, if you will, one that is hopefully trending upward! To help you get through the hard times so you can keep trudging onwards, here are some helpful articles we´ve written on this subject.
How to rediscover your desire to grow your Business
Do you feel like you’ve lost the desire or passion for your work? Many of us are feeling tired, overworked, or overwhelmed, and it’s draining our energy resources. The energy that we need to make decisions, innovate, overcome bad habits, etc… To put you back in the driving seat, here are 3 steps that will help you rediscover your desire so that you can grow your business.
How to find purpose in your work (and day) again
We all need to feel a sense of purpose. It gets us out of bed in the morning, fills our days with meaning, gives us motivation and energy, and carries us through difficult times. What many don’t know, however, is that often, the purpose is built – not found. If you´re feeling run down or fed up, or overwhelmed, this article gives you 4 ways to build your purpose again.
Are you a Broke Millionaire?
One of the tenets of National Millionaires Day is to think, plan and act like a millionaire as a step towards having a better lifestyle. It’s a truism that if you think you can do something, then you can. Equally, if you think you can’t, then you can’t. If, right now, you´re acting like a broke millionaire, here is the secret to moving yourself and your business forward.
Why Businesses Need to Keep a Scrapbook
If, like a lot of business owners, you are trying to change and improve your business for the better; you need to know what is working and what isn´t! Enter the business scrapbook phenomenon. When it comes to business improvement, it is often two steps forward, one step back, so this article gives you a way to reframe the process so you can persevere!
Other relevant articles on business growth
We help so many business owners with their growth plans, whatever stage of their journey they are in. So as you can imagine, we get asked a lot of questions. Here are some articles that answer these questions.
How to make it Easy to get a Business Loan
One of the most frequent requests we deal with is how to get funding for a business (hence this article!). Here are 6 ways to make it easy to get a business loan, from sourcing the right lender and looking at the right terms to applying at the best time. Read on to find out more.
Business risk management – wots that?
Every business faces risks, and it is important to review where your business stands and what you can do to mitigate your risks. And that´s where risk management comes in. Businesses tend to fail if they don’t manage their risks properly, so this article outlines the process of determining what risks are a priority to mitigate and what you need to be thinking about as part of your disaster recovery plan.
We All Want a Better World
While we can´t all be like Greta Thunberg, there are things that we as business owners can do to make our businesses better. After all, a better business leads to better lives which leads to a better world. Rather than just coasting along in your business, this article aims to help you start thinking about the things that are important to you and your family. Read on to find out more.
Need help planning for business growth?
If you have any queries or need help with any aspect of your business growth, speak to us; we can help you get sorted! We can help you build the business you want, from simply giving advice and guidance to implementing changes and automating your processes.
With our help, you can work smarter, not harder, and build a successful business even during a recession. Get in touch with us today and see how.
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