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data analytics rock

Data Analytics Rock!

Analytics and data give you invaluable insights into, well, everything!

We all know that Google and Facebook collect loads of data about us – and by analysing it they are able to gain key insights into our behaviour.  Well, you can do this too on your own business!  How can you make the most of analytics and utilise data in a compliant way? …Well, the tools to do this for your own business (often free tools) are available to you right now!

What data are we talking about?

  • Financial data is an easy one as everyone has digital accounting software now (or should!).  What apps are you using and what information do they contain … and how can your accountant help set up reports that give you this information?
  • Customer data, for example what they’re doing on your website and how they’re interacting with you on social.  If you haven’t already, then your web designer can link you to Google Analytics.  There are lots of other analytical apps you could use as well.
  • Marketing data – Linked in, Facebook, mailchimp etc., will all give you free analytics.
  • Production data – if you make or sell something in your business then your system will produce data for you to track this too! 
  • What about your customer experience apps – how long does it take to reply to a customer message on your various platforms? How many leads turn into customers? 

Wherever you look there is lots of business critical information!

The thing is, while it’s easy to look at your Google Analytics info or Facebook analytics or Financial Management reports, it’s harder to get quality information out; that is, to understand the info you get from your reporting system – and this is where it can be really helpful to have the relevant experts helping you out.  You probably already have the data: what you need is the expert who helps you to turn it into quality information and true insights.

Here at JVCA we are great at helping to translate the numbers in your financial management reports into insights into your business…and we know and work with expert marketing consultants and process consultants and customer experience consultants who can do the same for their specialism.  

Need to get and understand the insights into your business?  Then you need to get in touch now!

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